Legislative Resources

Legislative Process - A Congressional Research Service module outlining the legislative process in the House. Also, the Congressional Research Service has several reports available on the legislative process.
Thomas - Legislative Information on the Internet. Award winning site developed by the Library of Congress with full text search capabilities of bills and summaries from the 103rd, 104th and 105th Congresses.
Congressional Research Service -- CRS works exclusively and directly for all Members and committees of Congress in support of their legislative, oversight, and representative functions.
Legislative Counsel -- Drafts legislation at the request of Members and Committees of the House.
House Rules - Rules of the House of Representatives for the 104th Congress.
Glossary of Congressional Terms - A CRS glossary of legislative terms.
Schedules - Schedule of the House of Representatives from the House Internet web site.
Congressional Activity - House votes, current House floor proceedings, weekly House floor schedule.