Gallery Regulars

The following is a list of reporters and producers who work out of the House Radio-TV Gallery on a regular basis:

ABC Radio, Vic Ratner

ABC News, Dean Norland

Alaska Public Radio, Joel Southern

AP Radio, Thelma LeBrecht

Bonneville Radio, Marlis Majerus

CNN, Bob Franken/Ann Curley

C-SPAN, (position to be filled)

CBS News, John Nolan/Evelyn Thomas

Conus Communications, Sandy Wurtz

Cox Radio, Jamie Dupree

FOX News, Jim Mills

The Newshour w/ Jim Lehrer, Linda Scott

Mutual/NBC Radio, Bob Fuss

NPR, Brian Naylor

NBC News, Carroll Ann Mears/Joe Johns

Standard News Radio, Hank Silverberg

The World Radio Network, Cynthia Ingle

UPI Radio, Carol Van Dam

Voice of America Radio, Paula Wolfson

WTOP Radio, Dave McConnell

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