Circumstances Permitting Continuation of Enrollment


Your enrollment will continue without change if:

You transfer to (or are reemployed by) another Federal agency without a break in service of more than three calendar days, and You are eligible for FEHB Program coverage in your new position.

Note: if you are not enrolled in an FEHB plan at the time you transfer, you will have an opportunity to enroll if you have a break in service of more than three days and you are eligible for FEHB coverage in the new position.

Leave Without Pay (LWOP)

If you go on LWOP (or your pay isn't enough to cover your share of the premium), your enrollment will continue for up to one year, unless you cancel it, see section titled "Cancellation of Enrollment". However, you are responsible for paying your share of the premium. Your employing office will tell you how to make the premium payments.

If you have any questions, or know you may be entering a LWOP/Insufficient Funds pay status please contact Bob Myhill at or (202) 225-1329

Military Service

Your enrollment will continue without change if you enter on active duty in the military service for 30 days or less.

If you enter on active duty for more than 30 days, your enrollment will continue for up to one year, unless you elect to have the enrollment terminated, see section titled "Cancellation of Enrollment". You are responsible, however, for paying your share of the premium (your employing office will explain how to make the premium payments). If you elect to have your enrollment terminated, it will be reinstated at the time you exercise your reemployment rights and return to civilian service. (You may also change your enrollment, or enroll if you were not enrolled when you entered on active duty, within 31 days after returning to civilian service.)

Your decision to have your enrollment terminated will not affect your future eligibility to continue FEHB enrollment after retirement (see below).


Your enrollment will continue without change in benefits or cost if you retire:

  1. Under a retirement system for Federal civilian employees and
  2. On an immediate annuity.

In addition, you must be currently enrolled in a plan under the FEHB Program and must have been enrolled (or covered as a family member) in an FEHB plan for:

  1. The five years of service immediately before retirement, or
  2. If fewer than five years, all service since your first opportunity to enroll. (Generally, your first opportunity to enroll is within 31 days after your first appointment [in your Federal career] to a position under which you are eligible to enroll under conditions that permit a Government contribution toward the enrollment.)

**Note 1: "Service" means service in which you were eligible to be enrolled in an FEHB plan under conditions that permitted a Government contribution toward the enrollment. Your enrollment (or coverage) need not have been in the same plan, but it must have been in one or more FEHB plans. Coverage under a non-FEHB plan is not creditable toward meeting the five-year or first-opportunity requirement. (In some circumstances, if you are enrolled in an FEHB plan at the time of retirement, your past coverage under CHAMPUS may be creditable toward meeting the five-year or first opportunity requirement. Contact your employing office for detaiIs.)

**Note 2: While the Off ice of Personnel Management has the authority to waive the five-year requirement for continuation of enrollment after retirement, this authority Is limited to extraordinary situations only and Is rarely exercised.

Workers' Compensation

Your enrollment continues while you are receiving compensation from the Office of Workers' Compensation Programs if the Secretary of Labor determines that you are unable to return to duty and if you were enrolled in the FEHB Program (or covered as a family member) for: (1) the five years of service immediately before the compensation started, or (2) all service since your first opportunity to enroll. (Notes 1 and 2 above also apply to Workers' Compensation.)


If you die while you are enrolled for self and family, the enrollment will continue for your eligible survivor annuitants and other eligible family members with no change in benefits or cost. If there is only one survivor annuitant, and he or she is the sole eligible family member, the enrollment will be changed automatically to self only, with a corresponding reduction in cost.