3-D Capitol Book

A fun and interesting first look at the Capitol, surrounding monuments and historic buildings in Washington, DC.
32 pages.. . #543, $9.95 / $8.95

Cartoon History of
District of Columbia

by Patrick Reynolds

Reproductions from the illustrated feature cartoon history series Flashbacks, 106 pages, 1995
Paperbound #720, $14.95 / $13.45


Colors of Freedom Coloring Book

Tour the Capitol with a child's eye and interest. fun historic facts with each coloring image.
Ages 4-12, 32 pages, 1995.
Paperbound, #542, $2.95 / $2.65

Patriotic Journal

Clothbound journal for all your special thoughts or creative impulses. 100% recycled acid-free environmental papers, 160 pages, lined, 8 1/2" x 11"

#767, $15.95 / $14.35

Capitol Bookmark

22k gold plated with red, white & blue ribbon.
#697, $4.95 / $4.45

Young Pocahontas

Early reader's history of the Indian Princess Pocahontas, 16 pages
#222, $3.50 / $3.15

The Cornerstones of Freedom Series

The Capitol -- Explores the most recognized symbol of free and democracy, 32 pages, 1995
Paperbound, #217, $4.95 / $4.45

The Constitution -- The history of the document and its signing 32 pages, 1994
Paperbound, #218, $4.95 / $4.45

Powers of Congress -- Examines the legislative process and the safegards of our governmental processes, 32 pages, 1994
Paperbound, #219, $4.95 / $4.45

Presidential Elections -- Examines the system of electing a president. Great information for an election year, 32 pages, 1995
Paperbound, #220, $4.95 / $4.45

Star Spangled Banner -- The events that led to Francis Scott Key's inspiration for the National Anthem at Fort McHenry,
32 pages, 1995
Paperbound, #221, $4.95 / $4.45


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